The quaint town of Digby lays on the threshold of a long finger of land called Digby Neck. The drive along Digby Neck on Highway 217 is one of Nova Scotia’s premier eco-tourism destinations. Long Island and Brier Islands lie just beyond this narrow strip of land as it casts out into the rich waters of the world famous Bay of Fundy.
The Bay of Fundy’s magnificent tides have conceived a substantial ecosystem that supports an abundance of wildlife including prodigious numbers of seabirds, dolphins, seals, harbour porpoise and whales. This untouched region of Nova Scotia is an environmental masterpiece offering breathtaking vistas of rocky shores and a coastline worn and chiseled by the strong currents and crashing waves. Route 217 meanders through tiny classic fishing villages such as Gulliver’s Cove, Centreville, Sandy Cove, and Little River.
East Ferry occupies the tip of Digby Neck and is separated from Long Island by a narrow strait called Petit Passage. The passage is very deep in places and the tide can flow through at up to eight knots at times. Petit Passage Whale Watch office is located at Petit Passage Cafe at the first Ferry stop.
Visitors arriving on the Fundy Rose, the ferry from Saint John, New Brunswick, should drive along the Shore Rd., through to the second stop sign at the top of the hill, then turn right at the four-way stop, proceed down along Digby Neck 40kms (about 40-50 minutes) to the first ferry stop. Petit Passage Cafe is the white building on the left hand side.
Visitors traveling from Yarmouth to the southwest, can use the Middle Cross Road to access Highway 217. Turn left (west) at the end of the cross road and then down The Neck to Petit Passage Cafe. The trip from Yarmouth takes about an hour and a half.
From Halifax to the east, on Route 101, take exit 26, driving through Digby, and turn left at the second set of traffic lights. Three blocks later, turn left at the four way stop, then straight down the Neck to Petit Passage Cafe at the ferry stop.
The friendly folk of Digby area will be happy to point the way to Digby Neck and Petit Passage.
A visit to Petit Passage Cafe will introduce you to the very best in famous Nova Scotian hospitality and tempt you with Rappure Pie, a delicious French Acadian dish, Seafood Chowder, teaming with lobster, scallops and haddock, homemade soup and fresh rolls, delicious scallop rolls made with world famous Digby Scallops, subs and sandwiches made fresh daily, and delectable pies, cakes and cookies.
For more information on the Bay of Fundy, click here.